deKay's Lofi Gaming

The 2010 Gaming Expenditure Horror

I’ve been tracking which games I play, on my Gaming Diary, for 6 years now. It’s helped me realise how many different games I play, and how many I complete. This year, however, I’ve additionally started tracking the games I buy, and how much I paid for them – the aim being to scare myself into how much I spend on gaming. Thing is, just knowing that it’s logged has actually made me more frugal with my spending. Not only …

Irritating and Unnecessary Gaming Clichés

I’ve been gaming for a long time. This is obvious to anyone who has perused the rest of my site (the Gaming Diary and Museum both give clues to this). I’ve played a lot of games. Hundreds. Thousands, in fact. It would be naïve to assume that, having played so many games, gaming ideas are only ever used once, and so each game is an entirely unique experience. This is, of course, not true. Some things come up all the …

Kororinpa (Wii)

I certainly wasn’t going to leave the game “done” at that, was I? I mean, 50.4% complete, even though I’ve seen the credits? So I set about getting all of the remaining green crystals, then completed the rest of the unlocked secret levels, before racking up 10 gold cups for some of the mazes (the first 5 in normal mode, and the first 5 in mirror mode). I also unlocked Space A and Space B, and so completed them. I …

Kororinpa (Wii): COMPLETED!

So it’s easier than Super Monkey Ball. That much is now very clear. But it’s not a totally fair comparison. Yeah, both games have you guiding balls through mazes, but Kororinpa is more about the vertical and the twisting and the almost-upside-downness of the mazes. And there’s the crystal collecting too. So it’s different enough to not be classed as a clone, in my opinion. Anyway. I’ve finished Level 45, which it told me was the last one. Afterwards, there …

Kororinpa (Wii)

It’s Super Monkey Ball, only more tilty! Sort of. It’s technically easier than Super Monkey Ball as there isn’t really a time limit. You do have to collect crystals, however, but if you die then any already collected are kept, making the next attempt a bit easier. What I mean by “more tilty” is, well, exactly that. In The Game With Monkeys In, you only tilt the controller a small way in any direction, and there’s a limit to how …